Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome To The Blog

Our First Blog Post
Welcome to all fans!  We have created this blog as a way to keep you informed on everything going on behind the scenes at EPM.  The reason for this is the new direction we are taking with the site.  But before we get to that in subsequent posts, let me explain a little bit about myself and about the origins of EPM.

About Me
I am Chris.  I am the founder of EasyPaleoMeals and originally I was the guy creating all of the posts and working on the site myself.  Now I am the Managing Editor and Social Media Liaison for

What that means is that I now play the role of organizing the content of the site (more on this later). I have also been elected by my partners as the social media voice of the organization.  Basically, if you are reading anything posted by EPM on this blog, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTubePinterest, or elsewhere, there is a 99% chance that it is me doing the writing.  I will apologize in advance!

As I said, I created the website almost a year ago.  I began writing blogs which revolved around my experience with the Paleo Diet shortly after converting to the Paleo lifestyle in early 2011.  I fell in love with the the science of the diet and quickly began seeing results.  I wanted to share the best recipes and resources that I had found with others and before long I had four successful blogs all about Paleo food.

I originally intended to make EPM a website that consolidated those four blogs, but I got really busy just working on the four sites individually.  So, time had passed and the site existed as a shell for a very long time.

Fast forward to about two months ago and there are now three of us with a common passion for Paleo and a bigger vision for what EPM could be.  With this shared interest in the website, we decided that we really wanted to create something that contributes significantly to the Paleo/Primal/Ancestral community.  Something bigger than the three of us and something that has not been done before.

What's Next?
I was going to leave this for the next post, but this is supposed to be a "behind the scenes" blog, so here goes.  We are still working on all of the details and the exact approach, but in a nutshell, we are working to create a community of Paleo-related bloggers.

Our intention is to open the website exclusively to guest posts/articles.  EPM will be exclusively user generated content that is NOT in a forum format.

Now, we have nothing against forums at all.  But what we want is to create a space where bloggers or individuals can create posts containing fantastic original content in a continuous stream of conscious about anything Paleo or Paleo-related.

Most importantly to us, it will be a place where Paleo bloggers can get unprecedented exposure for their work and their own websites.  This will give readers the chance to sample different writers work and give them the opportunity to find someone they can relate to and really speaks to them.  There will be massive benefits to the writers in the form of increased exposure and traffic to their sites as well.

We believe that this concept has the power to really change lives by helping to promote healthy lifestyles with Paleo nutrition and fitness, and also help writers and bloggers find dedicated followers while making the community stronger as a whole.

There is more to come.  So please look for our next blog post and make sure you follow us on, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest for more information as we move ahead.


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