Monday, February 11, 2013

New Year and Another New Approach

As we roll deeper into 2013, I have taken some time to once again re-evaluate the direction and mission of EasyPaleoMeals. My original vision for creating a Paleo diet recipe site and later, a Paleo recipe sharing site never manifested itself in the way I thought it would.

I am not sad about that at all.


What I have is a new opportunity to find a different path which is better suited to my strengths as a Paleo lifestyle blogger.  Truthfully, it has taken me a while to really figure out what I enjoy most about the Paleo lifestyle.

I know that there is no way that I will ever have the time or desire to constantly cook and create new Paleo recipes to share. And with other incredible websites out there already doing this to such a high standard, it just doesn't make sense for me to keep trying.

I love Paleo food. I love writing about Paleo food. I like cooking and making Paleo food, but I don't love cooking and making Paleo food.

The food I make for myself and my family... I just want to eat it. I want it to taste awesome, but I don't want to think about it in intricate detail, then take photos of it and describe every detail of its construction.

What do I love doing?

I really enjoy reading books and blogs on Paleo cooking, education, and fitness. I love making great recipes that others have agonized over the details on, and have crafted fantastic flavor from. I love sharing delicious recipes and Crossfit hacks I have found in Pinterest.  I am also a minimalist and kitchenware geek and I love to discuss really cool and simple kitchen tools that I use.

So, EasyPaleoMeals goes in yet another new direction. The face of my daily activity will be dedicated to Pinterest. I love Pinterest. Yes, EPM has a Facebook page, Google+ presence, and a Twitter account, but being the highly visual person that I am, Pinterest suits me best.

What does this mean for

The website itself will continue to represent a base for my other Paleo blogs about my two favorite Paleo food subjects ( and It will also be the place where I write about some other subjects I want to explore. But primarily, EPM will be where I post reviews of Paleo and Primal related cookbooks, lifestyle guides, CrossFit related fitness and motivational books, 30-day Paleo challenges, and probably some reviews of cookware that I find essential, healthy and useful while cooking Paleo food.  I won't rule out the odd recipe once in a while.

I believe that this is a better general direction for EPM right now.  It's back to just me operating the site and controlling the content.  We'll see how it works out.  If you are reading this post (and still interested!) I want to thank you for sticking with me and I hope that you will enjoy the new direction.  Please feel free to email me with your feedback and suggestions.  It is appreciated!  EasyPaleoMeals(at)gmail(dot)com

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